Instructions for Authors - Oral Presentations
The instructions for authors regarding oral presentations are as follows:
The conference official language is English.
Presentation format
Oral presentations are planned in the form:
Plenary lecture: 50 min + 10 min discussion
Keynote lecture: 25 min + 5 min discussion
Regular talk: 12 min + 3 min discussion
As we have parallel sessions, and a very busy program, we must be strict with the schedule. We earnestly ask you to comply. If your presentation exceeds the allocated time, the session chair will intervene.
Technical details
Aiming to avoid delays in the oral presentations caused by the copy/transfer of the presentations, we strongly recommend that you upload your slides before September 6 at the following link: Accepted formats are PPT or PDF, not over than 800 MB in size. Please note that the pre-upload presentations are private and not made available anywhere. Only the speaker uploading the presentation file, and the conference chairs, will have access to the document uploaded in the cloud.
Instructions for submitting Oral Presentations files
1. The presentation file should have the filename in the following format:
TopicFirstName_FirstNameLastName (e.g.: Biorefinery_JohnSmith.pptx or Biorefinery_JohnSmith.pdf)
Please use the topic first names:
Biorefinery and Sustainability - Biorefinery
Biotechnology - Biotechnology
Energy and Environment - Energy
Industrial Applications - Industrial
Innovative Materials - Innovative
Modeling, Synthesis and Integration of Chemical Processes - Modeling
Reaction and Separation Processes - Reaction
2. Upload the file using the link:
3. Drag the file to the marked area, or click on “Upload File” to select the file to upload.
![Upload 1](
4. Click on “Upload Files” to select the file.
![Upload 2](
5. After the file selection the confirmation of successful upload is shown below.
![Upload 3](
To ensure the smooth running of the sessions, we strongly encourage you to upload your presentations until August 31, and preferably not later than September 6. This will allow us to thoroughly test the files compatibility and address any necessary changes in advance. If you have any further questions or require assistance, feel free to contact us: